Best of Shareware
Best of PC Windows Shareware 1.0 - Wayzata Technology (7111) (1993).iso
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Registering The Utilities
PSEARCH is distributed under the Shareware concept. This allows
users to evaluate software for a short time to determine if it
is useful to them. If you decide the software is of value to
you and decide to keep and use, you are required to register it.
This concept allows for quality software to be distributed at a
reasonable cost. Hundreds of hours of my time has been invested
in PSEARCH. Continued registration will justify the continued
upgrading of this utility to insure it remains up to date with
current technology. In any case, I do greatly appreciate all
users that care enough to register. I try to provide the best
possible software for all you faithful supporting users.
You may use the order form in ORDER.FRM when registering.
Send registration requests to:
5225 Canyon Crest Drive
Suite 71-358
Riverside, CA 92507
The registration charge is a one time fee that entitles you to
all future versions of the product. These may either be
obtained from normal Shareware sources or from me. I do not
automatically send product updates to registered users. It is
impossible to provide automatic upgrades at the low costs of
these utilities. If you would like to receive the next version
of the software, add an additional $15 to your order and
indicate on the order form you wish to receive the next update
version. You will be sent the next version along with an
optional order form to request subsequent releases.
Site licensing plans for one or more Patriquin utilities:
VISA / Mastercard / Telephone Registration
You may place a telephone order for the utilities using your credit
card by calling Nelson Ford's Public (Software) Library.
Telephone orders: 800-242-4775 or 713-665-7017
The PSL supplies Shareware software at a nominal cost to its
customers. Consider them for all your Shareware needs.
---- OR ------
You may call the Patri-Soft BBS and register online. The number
is (714) 352-2825 1200/14000 8-N-1. Fill out script 2 to place
your order. Credit card orders are also accepted through U.S. Mail.
Patri-Soft provides full support to users, both registered and
non-registered. We provide support through several different way:
U.S. Mail - You may send us problem reports through
the mail. Any extended information that
you can provide is greatly appreciated.
(i.e. screen shots, the actual problem
file, etc).
Telephone - You may contact us at (714) 352-2820 to
discuss problems. However, extended
telephone support may be limited as the
circumstances require.
CIS - You may contact us on CompuServe
(76347,2477). This is usually the
fastest way.
FAX - You may FAX us problem reports and
orders at (714) 352-1527.
A BBS is in operation 24 hours a day to take your enhancement
requests and problem reports. The number for this is
(714) 352-2825. (1200/14000 8-N-1). Extended access is
provided to registered users of the utilities.
Patri-Soft offers a money back guarrentee if you are not satisfied
with the software. Simply contact us with the reasons of your
dissatisfaction, and we will gladly refund your money.
We at Patri-Soft pride ourself on our user support. If for
some reason you feel that you have not gotten the service you
deserve, PLEASE let us know. We try to respond to ALL users
quickly and politely.